by bram | 22 Jun, 2016 | Nieuwsberichten
Op woensdag 15 juni, tijdens de Internationale Conferentie over Coatings op glas en plastics, is de Hans Pulker Award voor ‘best paper’ is toegekend aan de ALD team van Solliance en Holst Centre. De publicatie Developments in Plasma Enhanced Spatial ALD...
by bram | 22 Jun, 2016 | News Items
Wednesday June 15th, during the International Conference on Coatings on Glass and Plastics, the Hans Pulker Award for the best paper has been granted to the ALD team of Solliance and Holst Centre. The paper Developments in Plasma Enhanced Spatial ALD for High...
by bram | 16 Jun, 2016 | Nieuwsberichten
Tot onze grote verdriet en verbijstering, kregen we het nieuws dat op dinsdagmiddag Hein Willems overleed op de leeftijd van 63. Met grote inzet en toewijding, Hein is een van de initiatiefnemers en de eerste directeur van Solliance geweest. Hein was een bevlogen...
by bram | 16 Jun, 2016 | News Items
To our great sorrow and bewilderment, we received the news that on Tuesday afternoon Hein Willems passed away at the age of 63. With great effort and dedication, Hein has been one of the initiators and the first director of Solliance. Hein was an inspired leader, a...
by bram | 25 May, 2016 | Persberichten
Leuven – Nanoelectronics research center imec, partner in Solliance, presented today the first-ever semi-transparent perovskite PV-module, achieving power conversion efficiencies up to 12%. The technology enables for semi-transparent PV-windows which are a key...