by bram | 25 May, 2016 | Persberichten
Leuven – Nanoelectronics research center imec, partner in Solliance, presented today the first-ever semi-transparent perovskite PV-module, achieving power conversion efficiencies up to 12%. The technology enables for semi-transparent PV-windows which are a key...
by bram | 9 May, 2016 | Persberichten
Holst Centre, imec and ECN pave the road to upscaling Perovskite PV modules Solliance demonstrates a record 10% aperture area power conversion efficiency for its up-scaled thin-film perovskite photovoltaic modules. The efficiency was measured on an aperture area of...
by bram | 16 Mar, 2016 | Persberichten
Solliance is pleased to announce that Panasonic Corporation has joined a research program concerning the development of roll-to-roll manufacturing processes aimed at large scale production of flexible perovskite solar cells as one of the industrial partners. Research...
by bram | 17 Feb, 2016 | Nieuwsberichten
De Australische zonnecelfabrikant Dyesol geeft de Eindhovense toeleverancier VDL-ETG opdracht voor het bouwen van een productiemachine voor een nieuw type zonnecel. Het gaat om een machine die flexibele zonnecellen produceert, gebaseerd op de stof perovskiet. Lees...
by bram | 14 Jul, 2015 | Persberichten
Solliance makes steady progress on perovskite photovoltaic module reaching a record 11 percent conversion efficiency SAN FRANCISCO (USA)—July 10, 2015—Nano-electronics research center imec, part of the Solliance thin film PV research organization, announced today at...